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Friday 7 March 2025

Mehdi Karami Khorramabadi

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technology and Engineering

Tel: 20-33120011-066

[email protected]

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Research Interest

Academic Resume
   Phd, , Razi university, Iran، Graduation Date: 2017

International Journal
1. Mahdi Karami Khorramabadi, Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Epoxy/Clay Nanocomposite Beams based on the First Order Shear Deformation Theory , Int J Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology
2. , M.H. Yas, M. Karami Khorramabadi, “Mechanical Buckling of Functionally Graded Polyethylene/Clay Nano composites Columns Based on the Engesser-Timoshenko beam theory”, JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS. ,
3. , M.H. Yas, M. Karami Khorramabadi, “Preparation with Modeling and Theoretical Predictions on Mechanical Properties of Functionally Graded Polyethylene/Clay Nanocomposites”, JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS. ,
4. , Karami Khorramabadi M Nezamabadi A.R., Dynamic Stability of infinite composite Beam sunjected to a moving load Located on a Viscoelastic Elastic Foundation Based on the Third Order Shear Deformation Theory, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Res ,
5. , Karami Khorramabadi M Nezamabadi A.R., Stability of Smart Beams with Varying Properties Based on the First Order Shear Deformation Theory Located on a Continuous Elastic Foundation, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. ,
6. , Rezvani, M.J., and Karami Khorramabadi M., Dynamic analysis of composite beam subjected to a movilng load, J. Mechanical engineering science Part C, in press. ,
Research Journal
7. , M.H. Yas, M. Karami Khorramabadi, “Preparation and Mechanical Properties of compositionally Graded Polyethylene/Clay Nanocomposites”, JOURNAL OF SOLID MECHANICS. ,
8. , A. Niknejad, Karami Khorramabadi M., Geometrical optimization of the cast iron bullion moulds based on fracture mechanics, Journal of solid Mechanics. ,
9. , N. Omidi ,Karami Khorramabadi M. and A. Niknejad, Dynamic Stability of functionally graded beams with piezoelectric layers located on a continues elastic foundation, Journal of solid Mechanics. ,
10. , Karami Khorramabadi M., Free vibration of functionally graded beam subjected to axial load, Journal of solid Mechanics. ,
International Conference
11. , M. Karami Khorramabadi, “Free Vibration of Epoxy/Clay Nano Composite Beams Based on the First Order Shear Deformation Theory ”, CCM2015, China, 2015. ,
12. , Karami Khorramabadi M, Nezamabadi A.R., Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Engesser-Timoshenko Beams Subjected to Axial Load Located on a Continuous Elastic Foundation, World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology,Turkey, 2013. ,
13. , Nezamabadi A.R., Karami Khorramabadi M, stability of homogeneous smart based on the first order shear deformation theory located on the elastic foundation, World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology,ICAMAME 2012, Dubai. ,
14. , Karami Khorramabadi M Nezamabadi A.R., Mechanical buckling of Engesser-Timoshenko beams with piezoelectric layers located on the elastic foundation, World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, ICAMAME 2012, Dubai. ,
15. , Nezamabadi A.R., Karami Khorramabadi M, stability of functionally graded beams with piezoelectric layers based on the first order shear deformation theory, World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, 2011, Italy. ,
16. , Karami Khorramabadi M Nezamabadi A.R., Mechanical buckling of Engesser-Timoshenko beams with piezoelectric layers, World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, 2011,Italy. ,
17. , Khazaeinejad P., and Karami Khorramabadi M., Uncoupled thermopiezoelasticity of functionally graded beams with piezoelectric layers, The 18th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2010, Sharif University, Tehran, Iran. ,
18. , Nezamabadi A.R., Karami Khorramabadi M, Dynamic stability of homogeneous beams with piezoelectric layers located on the elastic foundation, World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, 2010, Malaysia. ,
19. , Karami Khorramabadi M Nezamabadi A.R., Vibration of functionally graded beams with piezoelectric layers located on the elastic foundation, World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, 2010, Malaysia. ,
20. , Karami Khorramabadi M., Khazaeinejad P., On stability of stiffened cylindrical shells with varying material properties, World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, August26-28, 2009, Singapore. ,
21. , Karami Khorramabadi M., Najafizadeh M.M. and Khazaeinejad P., Effect of shear theories on free vibration of functionally graded plates, World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, December 17-19, 2008, Bangkok, Thailand. ,
22. , Karami Khorramabadi M., and Khazaeinejad P. On the stability of functionally graded cylindrical shells under torsion, The 17h Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2009, May 15-17, 2008, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran. ,
23. , Khazaeinejad P., and Karami Khorramabadi M., Buckling behavior of functionally graded cylindrical shells under mechanical loads, The 16th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2008, May 15-17, 2008, Shahid Bahonar Universit ,
24. , Karami Khorramabadi M., and Khazaeinejad P., Stability of functionally graded cylindrical shells under combined loading, The 8th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Feb. 19-21, 2009, Malek-e-Ashtar University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. ,
25. , Karami Khorramabadi M., and Khazaeinejad P., The life time calculation of ballistic satellites in circular orbits, The 8th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Feb. 19-21, 2009, Malek-e-Ashtar University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. ,
26. , Narimani R., Karami Khorramabadi M., and Khazaeinejad P., Mechanical buckling of functionally graded cylindrical shells based on the first order shear deformation theory, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 22-26, 2007, San Ant ,
27. , Karami Khorramabadi M., and Khazaeinejad P., Dynamic stability of functionally graded beams with piezoelectric layers subjected to periodic axial loads, The 7th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Feb. 19-21, 2008, Sharif University of Technology, ,
28. , Mahbadi H., Karami Khorramabadi M., and Khazaeinejad P., Buckling behavior of piezoelectric bimorph column structures, The 6th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Feb. 2007, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. ,
National Conference
29. , M. Karami Khorramabadi, “Buckling Analysis of Epoxy/ Nano Clay Beam”, NAAME2016, Iran, 2016. ,
30. , Nezamabadi A.R. Karami Khorramabadi M., and Jenabi J., Mechanical buckling of functionally graded beams with piezoelectric layers located on the elastic foundation, National Conference of Mechanical Engineering-NCME2009 November, 2009, Islamic Azad U ,
31. , Karami Khorramabadi M., Nezamabadi A.R. and Jenabi J., Free Vibration of beams with piezoelectric layers located on the elastic foundation, National Conference of Mechanical Engineering-NCME2009 November, 2009, Islamic Azad University of Khomeinisha ,
32. , Karami Khorramabadi M., and Khazaeinejad P., The life time calculation of ballistic satellites. National Conference of Mechanical Engineering-NCME2008 November, 2008, Islamic Azad University of Khomeinishahr. ,
33. , Karami Khorramabadi M., and Khazaeinejad P., Dynamic stability of isotropic beams with piezoelectric layers subjected to periodic axial loads. National Conference of Mechanical Engineering-NCME2008 November, 2008, Islamic Azad University of Khomeini ,
34. , Jenabi J., Karami Khorramabadi M., and Khazaeinejad P., Mechanical buckling of functionally graded beams with piezoelectric actuators. National Conference of Mechanical Engineering-NCME2008 November, 2008, Islamic Azad University of Khomeinishahr. ,



Research Center
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