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The Vice presidency for International Affairs:

Admission of International Students in Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad Branch, 2021-2022

The Vice presidency for International Affairs and Non-Iranian Students of the Islamic Azad University (IAU) announced the time of registration of foreign students in the IAU.

News Code: 16

Publishing Date: 2021/07/23

The Vice presidency for International Affairs and Non-Iranian Students of the Islamic Azad University (IAU) announced the time of registration of foreign students in the IAU. Registration for the first semester 2021-2022 starts from July 20, 2021 to September 10, 2021, and the registration for the second semester of 2021-2022 starts from October 12, 2021 and continues until December 31, 2021.

Applicants may refer to the registration system of non-Iranian applicants of the IAU at the (fstudent.iau.ir) website to study the general and specific requirements for admission in the IAU. If they wish to register in the IAU and meet the registration requirements, they may register for the fields of study at the IAU, Khorramabad Branch. You can see the list of fields of study at the IAU, Khorramabad Branch here.

After registering in the (fstudent.iau.ir) system, all international applicants are required to submit a request with the Student Affairs Organization website at www.saorg.ir to perform the consular affairs and obtain a tracking code.

International non-Persian applicants must first obtain a student residence permit and meet the Persian requirement through completing the Persian language studies upon the receipt of an initial acceptance certificate from the respective university branch or the IAU’s Central Organization. After passing the Persian language course, the students are issued with a 9-digit temporary student ID number with which they can register in the Amouzeshyar system to receive a 14-digit student ID number.

For information on the tuition fees based on the academic department/group, academic program, and university branch, please download the following file:

Download the file of the tuition fees, academic department/group, and academic programs of the selected university branches.

The contact details are as follows:

1. The contact numbers of the supporters of the General Office of the Attraction and Guidance of Non-Iranian Students: +982147352409, +982147352423, +982147352429, and 982147352406

2. The email address of the General Office of the Attraction and Guidance of Non-Iranian Students at [email protected]

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Email: admin [at] khoiau.ac.ir

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